Find out if album covers can be used to make music recommendations better for you!

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Guide to Using the Music Recommendation Survey

This guide will walk you through how to navigate and use the music recommendation survey effectively.

Getting Started

Survey Structure: The survey consists of multiple steps evaluating different music recommendation models:

  • Model 1 recommendations (3 playlists)
  • Model 2 recommendations (3 playlists)
  • Model 3 recommendations (3 playlists)
  • Final Review: Overall evaluation

Step by Step

  1. Review the seed song at the top of the screen to understand what the recommendations are based on.
  2. For each recommended song:
    • Listen to a preview if available by clicking the play button
    • Evaluate if you would add this song to your playlist
    • Swipe right if you like it, left if you don't
  3. After reviewing all songs in a playlist:
    • Rate the recommendation model on relevance, novelty, and satisfaction
    • Submit your ratings to proceed to the next playlist
  4. Repeat for all 9 playlists across the 3 different recommendation models

Using the Music Swiper

Core Features

  • Seed Song: At the top of the page, you'll see the seed song that recommendations are based on.
  • Swiping Interface:
    • Swipe right (or click the right arrow) to save a song to your playlist
    • Swipe left (or click the left arrow) to skip a song
    • Mobile users will feel a slight vibration when liking a song
  • Undo Function: Made a mistake? Use the Undo button to revert your last swipe.
  • Progress Tracking: The progress bar shows how many songs you've rated and how many remain.
  • Rating completion: After rating all songs, you'll be presented with model rating questions.

Complete the final survey with questions about:

  • Which model you preferred
  • Your demographics (age, country)
  • Feedback on the survey usability and clarity


  • Listen to each song before making your decision
  • Use the undo button if you accidentally swipe the wrong way
  • Take your time - there's no rush to complete the ratings
  • Complete all steps to ensure your feedback is properly recorded
  • Be consistent with your preferences to get the most accurate model evaluation

Technical Notes

  • Your survey progress is automatically saved in your browser
  • You can pause and resume the survey later from the same device
  • Once submitted, your ratings help evaluate different music recommendation algorithms
  • Results will be available in the Results tab after April 1st

Thank you for participating in this music recommendation study! Your feedback helps improve music discovery algorithms.